Novo Nordisk Training
Krogshøjvej 47, 2880 Bagsværd
Bygning NN1 / Mødelokale: NN1.1.51 (Ekstra lokale til øvelser NN1.1.48)
Henvendelse i receptionen
Please make sure that all the participants sign the signature list, kindly strikeout the participants who did not attend and include the initials of the ones who have attended in case it is not there in the list.
Lunch in the NN1 canteen must take place at 11:00 or after 12:30 (it is not possible to reserve tables).
To external instructors:
- The lunch (buffet) in the NN1 canteen has already been paid for you.
- If you need access to the Internet during the training, please send us an email so we can provide the access for you